Monday, March 4, 2013

Balance!! Our Journey to Find Balance in Life. Part 1

I've read 7 books so far this year.  They were all good, but 4 of them have made a huge impact on me and my thought process, and are in essence the cause that led me to begin this blog.  I have read books that have impacted me before, but the synergy of these 4 books transformed me.  They are these. (In order of the order I read them).

1.  Off Balance by Matthew Kelly
2. Mastering the 7 Decisions by Andy Andrews
3. The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino
read in conjuction with one of my 2012 books (The Noticer by Andy Andrews)
So really there are 5 ;) !!
4. You Can Work Your Own Miracles by Napoleon Hill

The journey began back when Nate had his other brokerage... Patriot Network..... Our life was definately out of balance.  We had plenty of money and all our material needs and most of our wants met.  We just had no time and honestly no satisfaction in what we were doing.  We were not in the impact stage of our life.  We were in control of our finances, but we did not control our time at all (Lifestyle = time + money), but more importantly we did not control our peace of mind.  Something taught in detail in book #4 listed above.  That is what we are all truly seeking PEACE.  Someone who is really at peace in their lives is attractive and draws others to them.  People want to know what they know and learn what they have learned.  That is when we can truly begin to make an impact on others and inspire them to find their greatness, to find their PEACE OF MIND.  That is the journey I am beginning and have invited people I love to join me on.  

The next stage of our life was a huge pendulum swing.  Most of you reading this blog know what that was.  Our year adventure in Guatemala.

It was an amazing year of adventure.  One where our life was totally out of balance in the other direction.  We spent the year having lots of time as a family.  I wouldn't change it for the world, but we did have one problem arise from it.  Fear of the pendulum swing back the other way!!

This fear has kept us on that side of the normal range of balance.  The range most people feel comfortable in.  We started inching back toward normal.

Before we move on I have to urge everyone reading this post to find a mentor in your life.  My definition of a mentor is someone who is where you want to be.  Who has accomplished what you want to accomplish.  This person should be someone who is still learning and growing and changing but just further on the path than you.  You do not want a stagnant mentor. It should be someone whom you can trust your information with, who will not tell it to the world.  It should be someone who will not be afraid to tell you the truths you need to hear.

Now back to the journey!

Nate and I were in a training in Fort Lauderdale where Nate's mentor, Andy Albright, asked another successful agent, Shawn Meaike,  to address Nathan and I and help Nate step it up in sales.  He asked me if I wanted him to tell us the truth in front of all those people and in front of Ammon, who was with us.  I answered yes, because in my mind I was thinking "The problem isn't me, it's Nate, so go ahead."  He went on to tell us that our life was too balanced.  Little did he know that we weren't even to balanced yet.  We were still inching toward it. He told us other stuff that helped, but this stuck with me. I knew deep down he was absolutely right and I knew that we were in great fear of being out of balance or off balance again.

I emailed my struggle with balance to Jane Albright, my mentor, a woman who is where I want to be in life.  She told me that balance is different for everyone.  She said she would call me and help me come up with a plan that I could live with.  I'll discuss that plan in part 2.  Her words got me thinking.  Nate and I began to discuss the subject and we realized that balance for everyone is their comfort zone.  When we push ourselves out of our comfort zone we feel Out of balance until that spot becomes our comfort zone.

For Example:  Someone with 1 child looks at someone with 
5 kids and asks "How does she do it?"
This is how she does it.  Each child pushed her to a new level
of uncomfortableness or offbalancedness.
The family goes through an adjustment phase and eventually becomes
comfortable in their new balanced life or new comfort zone.
(A great book on this subject is The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson.)

Don't worry!  I'm not planning anymore kids!!
My mission is different.  LOL!
Hats off to those with more kids though!  I do envy you!

This realization sent us on a journey to discover what true balance really is.  Nate and I realized that if balance is your comfort zone, which in our opinion is your failure zone and mediocrity, then we needed to get out of balance, to stretch, become uncomfortable, adjust, become comfortable again, get back out of balance again, stretch, become uncomfortable adjust, ect....
Most people are happy being in a mediocre state.  I am not saying this is a bad thing.  Each of us has our own mission in life.  I can not say what that mission is for those who are reading this post.  I would never even dare judge this of another person!!! That is an individual journey to be taken by each individual.  I do know that each of you will have a butterfly effect on those closest to you, regardless of your mission.  I also feel that everyone born on Earth has Seeds of Greatness within. I will say, however, that I do not believe I am made for meiocrity and neither does Nate.  We personally feel that we were made for greatness and meant to have an impact in the lives of many.  This statement does not sound very humble, but I have to say that this has been put on our hearts and we believe it to be true.  We are not better than anyone else! We are all great in our own individual mission. 

We have found that we are personally not happy and not happy as a family sitting in our comfort zone on the other side of balanced.  We have temporary happiness, but not true lasting satisfaction, which I will elaborate on in the next post.

My next 2 books, if anyone wants to read along, will be

1. The Choice by Og Mandino
2. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman


1 comment:

  1. Mom!!!! This is so super awesome I love you with all my heart! :* I am so thankful to have a mother as amazing as you!! ~Xela
